Monday, December 14, 2009


i love:
-long stripey socks.
-dark chocolate mint ice cream.
-having my computer in town. !!!
-space heaters.
-cherry coke zero.
-lemon-pomegranate lip gloss.
-funny paramedics.
-that one cop who whistled the whole way through the hospital.
-looking supah-fine.
-tweezing things that i could pick up just as easily with my hands.
-tegan and sara's new album, or what i've heard of it.
-foreign accents. accents in general, really.
-adding pointless steps to things.
-skipping steps that i don't deem necessary.
-finally knowing how to spell necessary.
-blueberry-cranberry juice.
-lily allen.
-filling up punch cards at my favorite stores.
-orbit sweet mint gum.
-not stuttering when i say regularly.
-when i can speak coherently.
-my hoosier accent even when i pretend not to.
-flannel shirts.
-the smell of my boyfrann's shampoo.

i hate:
-sour fruits.
-pomegranate juice in my eye.
-thinking i have less time in the shower than i do.
-forgetting to turn my alarm off on weekends.
-looking sooo fine with nowhere to go.
-cashiers asking if i want gift receipts because i really don't know the purpose.
-trying to buy presents.
-looking in my package of gum and only finding wrappers.
-having to give away my last piece of gum.
-jerk cops who give me tickets.
-being hungry.
-wanting to eat when i'm not hungry.
-the dregs of anything. tea, coffee, smushy ice cream.
-forgetting to take the size stickers off of new shirts. world, i am L.
-scrubbing gore out of my eyebrow.
-forgetting that people get grossed out easier than i do.
-going to bed and being cold, waking up and being hot, and vice versa.
-spell check messing with my head. versa is so a word.
-the way codeine makes my head feel like cotton balls on opium.
-realizing that legit drugs would destroy me if i feel like this on codeine.
-rolling my car.
-thinking that the doc is about to feel me up HOLY KINDERGARTEN BATMAN.
-people who are really dumb and talk to me like i am.
-being really angry and not knowing why.
-teenage angst...thought i was over that...

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