Friday, December 18, 2009

it's so strange

to be living in two different time zones.

i'm living in michigan from sunday night until friday afternoon. i live in indiana from friday night until sunday afternoon. that has me in slow time (chicago time) on weekends and fast time the rest of the week. everything work related is kzoo time and everything and everybody else in my life is on slow time. which is very strange.

i have the clock on my computer set to slow time...right now it is...10:22. everything else is fast time. i woke up this morning at 7...ish...stumbled out of bed and to my computer because, of course, what's the first thing you do in the morning? check facebook, what else? maybe even tweet. or maybe not. too early. too busy being pissed because my computer (the lying bastard) tried to tell me i'd woken an hour early. and that's just unheard of and uncalled for. especially since i'd only gotten...maybe 3 or 4 hours of sleep total, mostly due to falling asleep listening to an audiobook and waking up panicked when the narrator raised her voice...then waking repeatedly to terrible nightmares, about a million of them. i remember one someone tried to wrap me in a ball of yarn. they had a whole shit ton of yarn. and i mean a shit. ton. in another one i was in this giant field of goats and they were all staring at me, chewing their cud like there was no tomorrow. they were chewing so loudly, and while that bothers me in real life, in dream life, you would think they were ripping my eyes out it was so unbearable. and have you ever seen goat eyes? those pupils are so ugly i don't think they should exist. but anyway it scared me.

so when i finally figured out that my computer was on slow time i was about to set another alarm for an hour later...when i was supposed to start work. i'm a little glad i caught that.

has anybody read/listened to/heard of the book by audrey niffenegger, her fearful symmetry? it's very good. about twins and ghosts. actually, has anybody read her other book? the time traveler's wife. actually i think it would be my favorite book, as of right this second. it's very good. i'm listening to symmetry as an audiobook...i am officially obsessed with audiobooks...and i love the narrator's voice. she sounds like a smoker- not one of those horrid hack hack black lung smokers but one from the 20's, with a nice, bluesy voice, just a little bit hoarse but very low and sultry. i think if you could have romantic feelings for a disembodied voice i would have them for this one. it's very nice. on top of that, she has an english accent. and i have a thing for accents.

i may add her voice to my list of lady crushes. does that count? does it have to be a whole lady to make the list? can i have a crush on, say, lady gaga's lips? katy perry's torso? cause both of those are pretty hot.

maybe i should just make a lady part crush list. except i really don't like the sound of that. let me think about the name. but the list should totally exist.

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